#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser); use DBI; use autodie; #Total hack to use a module surrepetitiously installed on a GoDaddy account use lib 'SOMEDIR'; use Text::CSV; use lib 'SOMEOTHERDIR'; use Regexp::Common; #use Data::Table; $\="\n"; my $db="SOMEDB"; my $dbun="SOMEUN"; my $dbpw = 'SOMEPW'; my $dbhost="SOMEHOST.hostedresource.com"; my $res_tbl="resource_list"; my $loc_tbl="matrix_locations"; my $drh = DBI->install_driver("mysql") || print "install_driver failed: $DBI::errstr
"; my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=$dbhost"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$dbun,$dbpw) || print "DB connect failed: $DBI::errstr
"; my $res_select_stmt = "Select * from $res_tbl order by id"; my $loc_select_stmt = "Select location from $loc_tbl where resource_id = ?"; my @data_elements = ('id','name','link','availability','locations'); my @avail_options = ('Free','Free w/Membership','Available for Purchase'); my $q = CGI->new; # create new CGI object print $q->header; print $q->start_html(-dtd=>'html',-title=>'Procedural Harm Affinity Group Resource Data Base Display and Edit'); # start the HTML #Here we are going to have two steps: #1. UPDATE the master resource table with the new data #2. Delete everything out of the locations table, and re-insert the new values. #Note: I know this isn't very efficient (we should check if anything changed before doing either) #But this is to limit my coding time, which is at a premium. #we'll also be using this as a flag my $id_to_update=0; my %params = $q->Vars; #Have to be careful here, there should only ever be one param that matches this. foreach my $param (keys %params){ if ($param =~ /^Submit(\d+)/){ $id_to_update=$1; } } #OK I totally forgot that I didn't just concatenate the ID to the end of the field name, I put an underscore in there. if ($id_to_update){ #first, update the resources table my $update_res_stmt = "UPDATE $res_tbl SET name=?, link=?, availability=? WHERE id=?"; my $updated_name = $params{"name_$id_to_update"}; my $updated_link = $params{"link_$id_to_update"}; my $updated_avail = $params{"availability_$id_to_update"}; if ($updated_link =~ $RE{URI}){ print $q->p("Updating resource list item with name=$updated_name, link=$updated_link, availability=$updated_avail for id=$id_to_update"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($update_res_stmt) or warn "prepare UPDATE statement failed: $dbh->errstr"; my $rv = $sth->execute($updated_name,$updated_link,$updated_avail,$id_to_update) || warn "Execute update failed: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->finish; print $q->p("Resources table updated with return value '$rv'."); }else{ print $q->p("Error: Please make sure resource_link is a valid URL. This includes the http:// part as well as the domain and path."); } #next, insert the locations #oh man, I forgot the id for this param. BAD CODER print $q->p("Locations param is '",$params{"locations_$id_to_update"},"'"); my @locations = split /,/ , $params{"locations_$id_to_update"}; my $locs_legit_flag=1; my $offending_loc; foreach my $loc (@locations){ #print "Checking matrix location $loc"; if ($loc !~ m/^([A-Za-z])(\d+)$/){ $locs_legit_flag = 0; $offending_loc = $loc; } } if (! scalar @locations){ print $q->p("Somehow, the list of matrix locations has no locations in it. Please try again."); }elsif ($locs_legit_flag){ #clear out the locations related to that resource ID from the locations table my $delete_loc_stmt = "DELETE from $loc_tbl where resource_id=?"; print $q->p("Clearing out location table records with resource_id=$id_to_update"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($delete_loc_stmt) or warn "prepare DELETE statement failed: $dbh->errstr"; $sth->execute($id_to_update) || warn "Execute DELETE failed: $dbh->errstr"; print $q->p("Locations table cleared."); $sth->finish; #OK time to insert now my $loc_insert_stmt = "insert into $loc_tbl (resource_id, location) values (?,?)"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($loc_insert_stmt) or warn "prepare INSERT statement failed: $dbh->errstr"; @locations = map( uc($_), @locations ); #trying to use a hash to remove duplicates #this one liner is from Effective Perl Programming via PerlMonks @locations = sort keys %{ { map { $_, 1 } @locations } }; foreach my $loc (@locations){ $sth->execute($id_to_update,$loc) || print "execute statement failed: $DBI::errstr
"; } $sth->finish; }else{ #This means that $locs_legit_flag was cleared #We did this whole escapeHTML thing in data_entry.pl so re-doing it here #try to build the string ahead of time rather than interpolating, so that the default call by CGI on escapeHTML runs properly my $msg = "One of the matrix locations you entered, namely '$offending_loc', is invalid. All matrix locations must be a letter plus a 1-2 digit number, e.g. N9 or B19."; #well, maybe it's not default and has to be called explicitly. $msg = CGI::escapeHTML($msg); print $q->p($msg); } } print $q->start_form; print $q->h3("Aggregate view of Procedural Harm database edit"); my $select_sth = $dbh->prepare($res_select_stmt) || print "prepare statement failed: $DBI::errstr
"; $select_sth->execute() || print "execute statement failed: $DBI::errstr
"; my $results = $select_sth->fetchall_arrayref(); $select_sth->finish(); my $tblstring= join '', @data_elements; print ""; #print ''; } print '
'; foreach my $row (@$results){ print '
'; my $id = $row->[0]; #set baseline so we get the ID my @newrow = @$row; my $i; if ( $q->param("Edit$id") ){ #start at 1 so as to skip the ID field taken care of properly for ($i = 1; $i < ((scalar @data_elements) - 1); $i++ ){ #if it's availability, let's keep it a radio group if ($data_elements[$i] eq 'availability'){ $newrow[$i] = $q->radio_group(-name=>"$data_elements[$i]_$id", -values=>\@avail_options, -default=>$avail_options[0], -linebreak=>'true', #-labels=>\%labels, #-attributes=>\%attributes ); }else{ $newrow[$i] = $q->textarea(-name=>"$data_elements[$i]_$id", -default=>$row->[$i], -rows=>5, -columns=>50); } } #whoops, was modifying $row when I needed the original values later. #BAD Coder! BAD! #@$row = @newrow; print join '' , @newrow; }else{ print join '' , @$row; } print ''; $select_sth = $dbh->prepare($loc_select_stmt) || print "prepare statement failed: $DBI::errstr
"; $select_sth->execute($id) || print "execute statement failed: $DBI::errstr
"; my @locs; while (my $ref = $select_sth->fetchrow_arrayref()){ push @locs , $ref->[0]; } $select_sth->finish(); my $locs_for_cell = join ',' , @locs; if ( $q->param("Edit$id") ){ #dafuq was I thinking here? This is clearly the locations textarea #I had it as $data_elements[$i+1 but I guess $i got incremented one last time to fail the conditional in the loop #I guess I'll leave it in case I add fields to the table/data elements to the array? print $q->textarea(-name=>"$data_elements[$i]_$id", -default=>$locs_for_cell); print $q->submit(-name=>"Submit$id",-value=>"Submit edits for record $id"); }else{ print $locs_for_cell; print $q->submit(-name=>"Edit$id",-value=>"Edit row $id"); } print '
'; print $q->end_form; #$select_sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); print $q->end_html;