#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.014; use warnings; use autodie; use charnames ':full'; use List::Util 'shuffle'; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; GetOptions( "h|?|help" => \( my $help ), "hands=i" => \( my $hands ), "cards=i" => \( my $cards ), ) or pod2usage(1); pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1 ) if $help; deal(deck(), $cards, $hands); sub deck { my $n_cards = 52; my @suit = ( "\N{BLACK HEART SUIT}", "\N{BLACK SPADE SUIT}", "\N{BLACK DIAMOND SUIT}", "\N{BLACK CLUB SUIT}", ); my @rank = ((2 .. 10), qw(J Q K A)); my @deck; my $i = 0; while (@deck < $n_cards) { for my $s (@suit) { for my $r (@rank) { $deck[$i++] = "$r$s"; } } } return \@deck; } sub deal { my $deck = shift; my $n_cards = shift // 5; my $hands = shift // 1; my @shuffled = shuffle(@$deck); binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; for (1 .. $hands) { my @hand; for (1 .. $n_cards) { die "no more cards in deck ...\n" unless @shuffled; push @hand, shift @shuffled; } say(join " ", @hand); } } __END__ =head1 NAME cards - deal cards from deck of 52 cards =head1 SYNOPSIS cards [options] options: -h, -?, --help brief help message --hands N number of hands to deal [1] --cards N cards per hand [5] =cut