use Mail::Internet; use Mail::Address; my @mail; while(<>) { push @mail, $_; } #read mail from STDIN and put it in @MAIL my $EMAIL = new Mail::Internet([@mail]); my $header = $EMAIL->head(); my @hlines; push @hlines, $header->get('To'); push @hlines, $header->get('Cc'); push @hlines, $header->get('Bcc'); #thanks [ZZamboni]... my @addr; foreach (@hlines) { my $line = $_; $line =~ s/^\w+\:(.*)$/$1/gs; #this is necessary to cut off the initial "To:" from the #header line -- I'm not sure why Address::Parse doesn't #do this push (@addr, Mail::Address->parse($line)); } #we now have a list of address objects -- convert to text addresses foreach (@addr) { $_ = $_->address } #our addresses are now in @addr