#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use POSIX; # find palindromes in text file my ($le, @lines, @F, $test, $pal, %pals, $start_char, $i, $word); # cross line boundries but not paragraph boundries # #'d out to match matching of comparison code #$le = $/; # $/ = "\n\n"; # @lines = <>; # $/ = $le; while (<>) { s/[[:punct:]]//g; (@F) = split; while (int @F) { # select array slices where last letter of last word in # slice equals first letter of first word $start_char = lc substr $F[0], 0, 1; foreach $i (1 .. $#F) { if( (lc substr $F[$i], -1) eq $start_char) { # test for palindrome $test = lc join "", @F[0..$i]; if($test eq reverse $test) { $pal = join " ", @F[0..$i]; print "$. $pal\n"; } } } # grab single word palindromes $word = shift @F; if(length $word > 2 && lc $word eq lc reverse $word) { print "$. $word\n"; } } }