#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # use strict; use Net::FTP; use Net::FTP::File; use Term::ReadKey; use diagnostics; my $username = ''; my $password = ''; my $directory = ''; my $localfile = ''; my $remotefile = ''; my $filename = ''; my $domain = ''; print "Domain: "; chomp($domain = ); my $ftp = ''; if($ftp = Net::FTP->new("$domain")) { print "Successfully connected to $domain\n"; } else { print "Couldn't connect:\n\t" . $ftp->message; quit(); } print "Username: "; chomp($username = ); ReadMode 2; print "Password: "; chomp($password = ); ReadMode 0; if($ftp->login($username, $password)) { print "\nSuccessfully logged in as $username\@$domain\n"; } else { print "Couldn't Login:\n\t" . $ftp->message; quit(); } print "Working Directory: "; chomp($directory = ); if($ftp->cwd($directory)) { #change working directory print "Successfully changed working directory to $directory"; } else { print "Couldn't change working directory:\n\t" . $ftp->message; quit(); } my @filearray = (); my $input = ''; my $count = 0; print "\n"; while () { print "File to upload: "; chomp($input=); if ($input ne '') { push @filearray, $input; $count++; next; } if ($input eq '') { last; } } foreach my $element (@filearray){ my $chvalue = 0; if($element =~ /\.(.+?)$/){ if($1 eq 'cgi' || $1 eq 'pl' || $1 eq 'pm') { $ftp->ascii; #transfer in ASCII mode $chvalue = 755; #chmod it to 755 } else { $ftp->binary; $chvalue = 644; } print "Preparing to put $element into $directory on $domain...\n"; if($ftp->put($element)) { print "$element uploaded successfully to $directory at $domain\n"; if($ftp->chmod($chvalue, $element)) { print "$element successfully chmoded to $chvalue.\n"; } else { print $ftp->message; quit(); } } else { print "Couldn't put $element:\n\t" . $ftp->message; quit(); } } else { if($ftp->put($element)) { print "$element uploaded successfully to $directory at $domain\n" } else { print $ftp->message; quit(); } } } quit(); #quits, fancy that. sub quit { $ftp->quit(); print "Press any key to exit"; chomp(my $chomp = ); exit; }