#!/usr/bin/perl # Always use these use strict; use warnings; # Edit contains the complete path of the files to be edited my $path = "/home/rjs/heena/edit" ; # Getting a file handler (and test for success/failure!) open(FL, "<", $path) or die "unable to open data file '$path' ($!)\n"; # Getting all the file names in the @array so that i can process the # file one by one chomp(my @array = ); # Close the data file close(FL); # Process each file foreach my $file (@array) { next if ($file =~ /^\s*(#|$)/); # Skip blank/commented lines process_file($file); # Process file } # Subroutines sub process_file { my ($file) = @_; $/ = ""; # Read entire file as a single line my $fh; # Declare file handle (better than using globals) # Read the file open($fh, "<", $file) or die "unable to read file '$file' ($!)\n"; $_ = <$fh>; close($fh); # Apply the change s/CONFIDENTIAL(.*?)own\s+risk/ /sm; # Write the file back TO THE SAME FILENAME open($fh, ">", $file) or die "unable to write file '$file' ($!)\n"; print $fh $_; close $fh; }