Connected OK to mysql:test. Clear out existing data from the test table .. Add (44,Some benign text) to the test table .. Add (55,Just regular data) to the test table .. Add (66,Evil data');DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (77,Horrible data");DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (88,More Evil data\');DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (99,More Horrible data\");DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Dump out the result. '44', 'Some benign text' '55', 'Just regular data' '66', 'Evil data');DELETE FROM jobs;' '77', 'Horrible data");DELETE FROM jobs;' '88', 'More Evil data\');DELETE FROM ...' '99', 'More Horrible data\");DELETE F...' 6 rows Connected OK to Pg:dbname=test. Clear out existing data from the test table .. Add (44,Some benign text) to the test table .. Add (55,Just regular data) to the test table .. Add (66,Evil data');DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (77,Horrible data");DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (88,More Evil data\');DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (99,More Horrible data\");DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Dump out the result. '44', 'Some benign text' '55', 'Just regular data' '66', 'Evil data');DELETE FROM jobs;' '77', 'Horrible data");DELETE FROM jobs;' '88', 'More Evil data\');DELETE FROM ...' '99', 'More Horrible data\");DELETE F...' 6 rows Connected OK to SQLite:test.sq3. Clear out existing data from the test table .. Add (44,Some benign text) to the test table .. Add (55,Just regular data) to the test table .. Add (66,Evil data');DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (77,Horrible data");DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (88,More Evil data\');DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Add (99,More Horrible data\");DELETE FROM jobs;) to the test table .. Dump out the result. 44, 'Some benign text' 55, 'Just regular data' 66, 'Evil data');DELETE FROM jobs;' 77, 'Horrible data");DELETE FROM jobs;' 88, 'More Evil data\');DELETE FROM ...' 99, 'More Horrible data\");DELETE F...' 6 rows