#!/usr/local/bin/pyrperl -w ### Server use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Select; # flush after every write $| = 1; $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; our ( $socket, $select, @ready_clients, %All_Clients ); my $localhost = ''; my $port = 12345; # creating object interface of IO::Socket::INET modules which internally does # socket creation, binding and listening at the specified port address. $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalHost => $localhost, LocalPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 5, Reuse => 1, ) or die "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n"; $socket->autoflush; binmode $socket; $| = 1; $select = new IO::Select() or die "IO::Select $!"; $select->add($socket); # add the main socket to the set $All_Clients{$socket} = 1; print "SERVER Waiting for client connection on port $port\n"; my $rdata = ""; for ( 0..255) { $rdata .= chr($_); } my $len = pack 'N',length($rdata); my $sdata = $len . $rdata; my $start = 0; my $finish = 0; my $tasks = 0; while(1) { my @ready = $select->can_read(.025); foreach my $client (@ready) { if ( $client == $socket ) #{ next; } # if ( ! exists $All_Clients{$client} ) { # Create a new socket my $new = $client->accept(); # binmode $new; $| = 1; $select->add($new); $All_Clients{$new} = 1; $start++; $tasks++; print " Client connected\n"; } else { # Process socket my $lost = 0; my $ret = recv( $client, my $in, 4, 0 ); if ( ! defined $ret ) { $lost++; } if ( ( $lost==0 )&&( length($in)==4 ) ) { my $len = unpack('N',$in); # print "**** received ****\n"; $ret = recv( $client, my $data, $len, 0 ); if ( ! defined $ret ) { $lost++; } if ( $lost==0 ) { if ( $rdata ne $data ) { die "3.\n$rdata\n$data \n"; } $ret = send( $client, $sdata, length($sdata), 0 ); if ( ! defined $ret ) { $lost++; } } } if ( $lost > 0 ) { # Maybe we have finished with the socket $select->remove($client); $client->close; $tasks--; my $total = $select->count(); print " Client dis-connected, $tasks left $total\n"; } } } my $total = $select->count(); if ( ( $start )&&( $total == 1 ) ) { if ( $finish == 0 ) { $finish = time; } else { if ( time - $finish > 3 ) { exit; } } } } exit;