#!/usr/local/bin/perl6 my $guesses = 5; say qq{{{{{ A Hurkle is hiding on a 10 by 10 grid. The south-west corner of the grid is point 0,0 and any gridpoint is a pair of whole numbers seperated by a comma. Try to guess the Hurkle's gridpoint. You get $guesses tries. After each try, I will tell you the approximate direction to go to look for the Hurkle. }}}}}; my $guess = 0; my $hurkle_x = 10.rand.int; my $hurkle_y = 10.rand.int; regex digit { [0..9] }; regex seperator { \s* ',' \s* }; while ($guess++ != $guesses) { my $input = prompt "Guess #$guess "; $input ~~ / $= $= /; unless ( ?$ && ?$ ) { say 'Huh?'; redo; } if ( ($ - $hurkle_x).abs + ($ - $hurkle_y).abs == 0) { say "\nYou found him in $guess guesses!"; exit 0; } say 'Go ', ($ < $hurkle_y) ?? 'North' !! ($ > $hurkle_y) ?? 'South' !! '', ($ < $hurkle_x) ?? 'East' !! ($ > $hurkle_x) ?? 'West' !! ''; } say "\nSorry that's $guesses guesses. The Hurkle is at $hurkle_x,$hurkle_y";