#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $use_file = "no"; # yes or no my $file = "convo.txt"; # the file to open if $use_file = 1 my $i=0; my $j=0; my $n = 0; my $n2=0; my @i; get(); my $name2; sub parse{ my @i = @_; if(@i){ my $name = $i[0]; $name =~ s/^(.*?):\s+.*/$1/; my @words; foreach(@i){ s/^(.*?):\s+(.*)/$1/; push @words,$2; if($name eq $_){ $n++; }else{ $name2 = $_; $n2++; } } foreach(@words){ $i++ foreach split/ /; $j++ foreach split//; } print "$i words total, $j total characters\n", "$name has $n IMs sent while $name2 has $n2 IMs sent. There were ", $n + $n2," IMs total"; }else{ print "YOU NEED TO PUT STUFF IN $file OR PUT IT BETWEEN THE PIPES |BLAH|"; } } sub get{ if($use_file eq "yes"){ if(-e $file){ open(FH,$file) || die "$!"; @i = ; close FH; }else{ open(FH,">$file") && die "The conversation file has been created.\n Paste your conversation in $file and run the program again."; close (FH); } }else{ @i=split/\n/,qq|hey: yo\nyo: hey|; #paste the convo between the pipes |convo here| make sure that it isn't # like | # convo here # | } parse(@i); }