#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use File::Find::Rule; Main( @ARGV ); exit( 0 ); sub Fudge { use Errno(); join qq/\n/, "Error @_", map { " $_" } int( $! ) . q/ / . $!, int( $^E ) . q/ / . $^E, grep( { $!{$_} } keys %! ), q/ /; } sub pie(&@) { my( $cb, $file, $backup ) = @_; $backup ||= "$file~"; $backup = "$file$backup" if length $file > length $backup; rename $file, $backup or die Fudge( "backing up q{$file} to q{$backup}:" ); open my $IN, "<", $backup or die Fudge( "reading q{$backup}:" ); open my $OUT, ">", $file or die Fudge( "writing $file:" ); local $_; while( defined( $_ = <$IN> ) ) { $cb->(); print $OUT $_; } } ## end sub pie(&@) #~ pie { s/^\s+// } "myfile.txt"; #~ pie { s/^\s+// } "myfile.txt", ".orig"; #~ pie { s/^\s+// } "myfile.txt", "myfile.txt.bak"; #~ pie { s/^\s+// } @ARGV; ## $ perltidy -csc -csci=10 -cscl="sub : BEGIN END" -otr -opr -ce -nibc -i=4 -pt=0 "-nsak=*" #~ my @files = Path::Class::Rule->new->file->name( qr/^rc\.itm\d+$/ )->max_depth(1)->all( $dir ); #~ my @files = File::Find::Rule->new->file->name( qr/^rc\.itm\d+$/ )->max_depth(1)->in( $dir ); #~ my @files = find( file => name => qr/^rc\.itm\d+$/ => max_depth => 1 => in => $dir ); #~ for my $file( @files ){ #~ pie { #~ m/start ux/ and s{^}{#} #~ } $file; #~ } #~ for my $file( @files ){ #~ pie \&uxcomment, $file; #~ } #~ for my $file( @files ){ #~ eval { pie \&uxcomment, $file } or warn $@; #~ } sub uxcomment { s/^\s+// } sub Main { my $dir = \@_; my $filefinder = find( file => name => qr/^rc\.itm\d+$/, max_depth => 1, start => $dir, ); while( my $file = $filefinder->match ) { eval { pie \&uxcomment, $file } or warn $@; } } ## end sub Main