#! perl -slw use strict; my @data = map{ [ split "','", substr( $_, 1, -2 ) ] } ; my $mask = ' ' x 10_000; my $max = 0; # Sort the data to put longest ranges first (could be more efficient:) @data = sort{ $b->[2] - $b->[1] <=> $a->[2] - $a->[1] } @data; for( @data ) { # Calc range my $len = $_->[2] - $_->[1] +1; # Test to see if this range is already covered? if( substr( $mask, $_->[1], $len ) !~ m[ ] ) { $_ = undef; # if so, delete next; } # Other wise add it to the mask substr( $mask, $_->[1], $len ) = 'x' x $len; # Remeber the highest pos. $max = $_->[2] if $_->[2] > $max; } # Trim the string $mask = substr( $mask, 0, $max ); # Count coverage my $coverage = $mask =~ tr[x][x]; # Calc. percentage printf "cover = %.1f%% \n", $coverage / length($mask) *100; print 'Using:'; # Display contributing ranges having discarded deleted elements. print "@$_" for grep{ $_ } @data; __DATA__ 'NM_176827','618','692' 'NM_176827','621','710' 'NM_176827','622','692' 'NM_176827','629','710'