Usage: mdbget -db database -s 'select sql' [options] [query_param.list] or: [-db database] -f sql.file [options] [query_param.list] options: -l : label columns (print list of column names as first line of output) -d delim : set field delimiter to 'delim' (default delim is tab) "-d sp" and "-d ' '" both work to produce single-space delimited data "-d csv" will produce "true CSV" output, adding double-quotes as needed NOTE: only "-d csv" will quote fields containing the delimiter character (csv also turns on "-l", so column names are listed on first line) -w {norm|mark|keep} : control the treatment of whitespace within fields: "-w norm" (default) convert all whitespace strings to single space "-w mark" keep spaces as-is, convert newline to '\n', tab to '\t' "-w keep" make no alterations to white space at all query_param.list is needed if sql contains "?" placeholder(s) for param(s)