#!/usr/bin/perl use Net::FTP; use GD; # Beatnik (c) 2000 - yadayadayada # http://stampl.sourceforge.net $inputfile = "/tmp/me.jpg"; # Local input filename $outputfile = "/tmp/recent.jpg"; # Local output filename $remotefile = "recent.jpg"; # Remote filename $remotedir = ""; # Remote directory $hostname = "ftp.myhost.com"; # Remote hostname $username = "user"; # username for remote host $password = "password"; # password for remote host $interval = 45; # Amount of seconds to wait before uploading again $textbot = "StamPL - Test"; # The text that should be added at the bottom for(;;) { $texttop = localtime; $ltop = length($texttop)*8; $lbot = length($textbot)*8; $result = qx|cqcam -32+ -a+ -r -j -x 320 -y 240 -q 75 > $inputfile|; if ($result) { die $result; } $image = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($inputfile); $blue = $image->colorClosest(0,0,255); $shadow = $image->colorClosest(128,128,128); ($width,$height) = $image->getBounds(); $w = $width/2; $ttop = $w-($ltop/2); $tbot = $w-($lbot/2); $image->string(gdMediumBoldFont,$ttop+2,3,$texttop,$blue); $image->string(gdMediumBoldFont,$ttop,1,$texttop,$shadow); $image->string(gdMediumBoldFont,$tbot,($height-14),$textbot,$blue); $image->string(gdMediumBoldFont,$tbot+2,($height-14)+2,$textbot,$shadow); open(FILE,">$outputfile") || die $!; print FILE $image->jpeg(); close(FILE); $ftp = Net::FTP->new($hostname); $ftp->login($username,$password); $ftp->cwd($remotedir); $ftp->put($outputfile,$remotefile); $ftp->quit; sleep($interval); }