#!/usr/bin/perl #this lightweight daemon will run in the background and #for each new file that is modified and closed it will re-hash it and update #its entry in the database use strict; use warnings; # #bugs encountered: # #1)does not update as expected in database the new sha1 #2)$mtime seems to be very VERY different from DateTime->now which is weird #3)bug found in SHA1db find_or_update not finding correctly if there are any files in the db with #that name # # use Linux::Inotify2; use Data::Dumper; use DateTime; use SHA1db; use YAML qw/LoadFile/; $|=1; SHA1db->connect(); my $inotify = new Linux::Inotify2(); my $config_path = 'config.yml'; my $config = LoadFile($config_path); for (map {$_->{path}} @{ $config->{directories} }) { print "tracking $_\n"; $inotify->watch($_, IN_ALL_EVENTS); } while () { my @events = $inotify->read; unless (@events > 0) { print "read error: $!"; last ; }; for(@events) { next unless($_->mask & IN_CLOSE_WRITE); my $mtime =( lstat($_->fullname) )[9]; next unless $mtime; printf "updating checksum_db for file %s modified now: %s\n",$_->fullname,DateTime->from_epoch(epoch=>$mtime); #we should add a check to see if this file passes the regex #filter & link filter & dir filter & size filter unless(SHA1db::find_or_update($_->fullname,$mtime)) { printf "not found in db,adding...\n"; SHA1db::add_to_db(SHA1db::file2sha1($_->fullname),$mtime,-s _ ,$_->fullname); #add it to db }; }; }; print "daemon stopped";