#!c:/Perl/bin/Perl.exe # # this code was put in the public domain here: # http://sourceforge.net/projects/dataoniphone/ V 0.9.0 04/08/2008 17:01:00 open (INFILEHANDLE, "table.html") or die "error opening"; while () { chomp; if ($_ eq "") { print OUTFILEHANDLE "<\/B>
\n"; # was an empty line } else { s/\t/ /; #join 1st & 2nd field (comment this if undesired) s/\t/ <\/B>
\n/; # 1st fields will be bold so we have a <\/B> s/\t/
\n/g; # remaining fields will end with
\n"; # record separator will be
} } close INFILEHANDLE; close OUTFILEHANDLE; print "\nFile table.html created (press a key)\n"; $line = ;