#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $pairs = { (4,-1), (2,6), (6,4), (1,2), (3,5), (5,-1), (99,-1), }; my @paths; #get the ends of all the chains #then the next pieces, and so on, until all pairs are used. for my $key ( grep { $pairs->{$_} == -1 } keys %$pairs ) { push @paths, [$key, -1]; delete $pairs->{$key}; } while ( keys %$pairs ) { for my $path ( @paths ) { for my $key ( keys %$pairs ) { if ($pairs->{$key} eq @$path[0]) { unshift @$path, $key; delete $pairs->{$key}; } } } } my $hh; for my $path (@paths) { my $temp = pop @$path; my $key = shift @$path; for (reverse @$path) { my $t = {$_ => $temp}; $temp = $t; } $hh->{$key} = $temp; } print Dumper($hh);