{ $sth->execute; my ($n, $now) = (0, [ gettimeofday ]); while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { ++$n % 100 == 0 and printf " %6d\r", $n; } report ("hashref", $n, $now); } { $sth->execute; my ($n, $now) = (0, [ gettimeofday ]); while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { ++$n % 100 == 0 and printf " %6d\r", $n; } report ("array", $n, $now); } { $sth->execute; my ($n, $now) = (0, [ gettimeofday ]); while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { ++$n % 100 == 0 and printf " %6d\r", $n; } report ("arrayref", $n, $now); } { $sth->execute; my ($n, $now) = (0, [ gettimeofday ]); while (my $ref = DBI::st::fetchrow_arrayref ($sth)) { ++$n % 100 == 0 and printf " %6d\r", $n; } report ("Darrayref", $n, $now); } my %ref; { $sth->execute; $sth->bind_columns (\(@ref{@{$sth->{NAME_lc}}})); my ($n, $now) = (0, [ gettimeofday ]); while ($sth->fetch) { ++$n % 100 == 0 and printf " %6d\r", $n; } report ("bindcol", $n, $now); } { $sth->execute; $sth->bind_columns (\(@ref{@{$sth->{NAME_lc}}})); my ($n, $now) = (0, [ gettimeofday ]); while (DBI::st::fetchrow_arrayref ($sth)) { ++$n % 100 == 0 and printf " %6d\r", $n; } report ("Dbindcol", $n, $now); }