#!C:\Interwoven\TeamSite/iw-perl/bin/iwperl use File::Copy; use TeamSite::Config; use XML::DOM; use XML::Parser; use open ':utf8'; use TeamSite::DCRnode; use TeamSite::DCRparser; use Time::localtime; use File::Basename; use Encode; use strict; use warnings; open(LOG ,">C:/Interwoven/TeamSite/tmp/Cloning.log"); my $Workarea = ""; my $fileLine = $ARGV[0]; if ($fileLine ne "") { my @fline = split("####",$fileLine); my @clone = split("~",$fline[1]); for (my $c=1;$c<= $#clone ;$c++) { my $cloneName = $clone[$c]; my $pathSource = $fline[0]; print LOG "Arguments Provided :-\n[$cloneName]\n[$pathSource]\n"; print LOG " The source of the HTMLS:- $pathSource \n"; print LOG " The dest of the HTMLS:- $cloneName \n"; my $path = "Y:/"; $pathSource =~ s/\\/\//g; my @pathSourceArr = split(/\//,$pathSource); my $source_branch =$pathSourceArr[$#pathSourceArr-1]; print LOG " The source of the HTMLS after replacement :- $pathSource \n"; my @spiltSource = split("/",$pathSource); $pathSource = "Y:/"; my $templateData = "Y:/"; print LOG "The splitted source path :- \n @spiltSource\n"; for (my $i=3;$i < $#spiltSource ;$i++) { $path .= $spiltSource[$i]."/"; $pathSource .= $spiltSource[$i]."/"; if (($spiltSource[$i] ne "html")&& ($spiltSource[$i] ne "content") ) { $templateData .= $spiltSource[$i]."/"; } if($spiltSource[$i] eq "WORKAREA") { $Workarea = $spiltSource[$i+1]; } } print LOG "Workarea Name :- [$Workarea]\n"; my $xmlFile = $templateData . "xml/" . $Workarea . "/siteName.xml"; print LOG " siteName xml file Path :-[$xmlFile]\n"; my $AddToMetadata = "Yes"; if(-e $xmlFile) { my $parser=new XML::DOM::Parser; my $doc=$parser->parsefile($xmlFile); my $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName("itemID"); my $nname = $doc->toString; my $rootnode= TeamSite::DCRnode->new($nname); my @new_node = $rootnode->get_node_list('itemID'); # getting the array of all the siteName nodes. my $n = $nodes->getLength; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#new_node; $i++) { my $att_value = $new_node[$i]->value(); if( $att_value eq $cloneName ) { print LOG " ****** siteName Updation Starts Here(If File exists in Xml) ***** \n"; $new_node[$i]->set_inner_xml($cloneName); my $pro_node_xml = $rootnode->get_xml(); print LOG "\nNew Meta Data XML :-\n $pro_node_xml \n"; open(FILE,">$xmlFile"); print FILE ""; print FILE $pro_node_xml; close(FILE); $AddToMetadata = "No"; print LOG "After checking the siteName\.xml AddToMetadata or not :- [$AddToMetadata] \n"; print LOG " ****siteName Updation Ends Here**** "; last; } } if ($AddToMetadata eq 'Yes') { print LOG " *****siteName Updation Starts Here(If File doesnot exists in the Xml) ***** \n"; $rootnode->set_inner_xml($rootnode->get_inner_xml() . "\n$cloneName\n"); my $pro_node_xml = $rootnode->get_xml(); print LOG "\nNew Meta Data XML :-\n $pro_node_xml \n"; open(FILE,">$xmlFile"); print FILE ""; print FILE $pro_node_xml; close(FILE); print LOG " *****siteName Updation Ends Here**** "; } } else { print LOG " **** siteName Creation Starts Here(IF siteName.xml does not exists) **** \n"; open(FILE,">$xmlFile"); print FILE ""; print FILE "\n$cloneName\n"; close(FILE); print LOG " *****siteName Updation Ends Here**** "; } $path .= $cloneName ; $pathSource .= $spiltSource[$#spiltSource]; print LOG "The constructed source and destination path is :- \n $pathSource and $path \n"; print LOG "The constructed templatedata path is :- \n $templateData \n"; if( -e $path){} else{ mkdir($path,"0777") or die "Unable to create folder: $!"; } #opendir(DIR, $from_dir); #my @dir1 = readdir(DIR); #closedir(DIR); sub copy_recursively { my ($from_dir,$to_dir) = @_; opendir(DIR, $from_dir) or die "Could not open dir '$from_dir': $!"; my @dir = readdir(DIR); for(my $j=2 ; $j <= $#dir; $j++){ my $source = "$from_dir/$dir[$j]"; my $destination = "$to_dir/$dir[$j]"; next if($dir[$j] eq "." || $dir[$j] eq ".."); if (-d $source) { print LOG "The source and destination in the directory section :-\n $source and $destination\n"; mkdir($destination,"0777") or die "mkdir '$destination' failed: $!" if not -e $destination; copy_recursively($source, $destination); } else { print LOG "The source and destination in the File section :-\n $source and $destination\n"; open(FILE,"<", $source); my @file_content = ; close(FILE); for(my $u=0;$u<=$#file_content;$u++) { $file_content[$u] = s/logo-$source_branch/logo-$cloneName/g ; print LOG "$file_content[$u]"; } open(FILEOUT,">", $destination); for(my $v=0;$v<=$#file_content;$v++) { print FILEOUT "$file_content[$v]"; } #copy($source, $destination) or die "copy failed: $!"; my $cmd = "iwextattr -g TeamSite/Templating/PrimaryDCR $source"; my $dcrName = `$cmd`; my $cmdDcrType = "iwextattr -g TeamSite/Templating/PrimaryDocumentType $source"; my $dcrType =`$cmdDcrType`; print LOG "CMD command execueted with the HTML for DCR Type :- [$cmdDcrType]\n\n$dcrType\n"; if($dcrName ne "" && $dcrType ne "") { my @dcrNameSplit = split("/",$dcrName); print LOG "CMD command execueted with the HTML for DCR Name :- [$cmd]\n\n[$dcrName]\n\n@dcrNameSplit\n"; my $dcrPath = "$templateData"; $dcrPath .= "templatedata/$dcrType/data/$cloneName"; mkdir($dcrPath,"0777")or die "mkdir '$dcrPath' failed: $!" if not -e $dcrPath; $dcrPath .= "/"; my $setDCRName = "$cloneName"; for (my $k=1;$k<$#dcrNameSplit ;$k++) { $dcrPath .= $dcrNameSplit[$k]; mkdir($dcrPath,"0777")or die "mkdir '$dcrPath' failed: $!" if not -e $dcrPath; $dcrPath .= "/"; $setDCRName .= "/$dcrNameSplit[$k]" } my @splitDcrType = split("/",$dcrType); my $PT = $splitDcrType[$#splitDcrType]."\.xsl"; $dcrPath .= $dcrNameSplit[$#dcrNameSplit]; $setDCRName .= "/$dcrNameSplit[$#dcrNameSplit]"; print LOG "\n The New DCR Pathh is:- $dcrPath\n"; my $dcrSource = "$templateData"; $dcrSource .= "templatedata/$dcrType/data/$dcrName"; print LOG "\n The DCR Pathh is:- $dcrSource\n"; copy($dcrSource,$dcrPath) or die "copy of the dcr failed: $!"; my $cmd1 = "iwextattr -s TeamSite/Templating/DCR/Type=$dcrType $dcrPath"; my $new1 = `$cmd1`; my $cmdToSet = "iwextattr -s TeamSite/Templating/PrimaryDCR=$setDCRName $destination"; my $newDcrName = `$cmdToSet`; my $cmd2 = "iwextattr -s TeamSite/Templating/PrimaryDocumentType=$dcrType $destination"; my $new2 = `$cmd2`; my $cmd3 = "iwextattr -s TeamSite/Templating/PrimaryPT=$PT $destination"; my $new3 = `$cmd3`; print LOG "\n The New output Type[$newDcrName][$cmdToSet] is set for the DCR :- $dcrPath\n"; } } } closedir(DIR); return; } sub alter_content_for_logo{ } copy_recursively($pathSource, $path); } } close(LOG); #unlink($fileName); exit;