#!/opt/csw/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::SSH2; my $host = "" my $user = ""; my $pass = ""; my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new(); my $ok = 1; print "==> $host\n"; $ssh2->connect($host) or $ok = 0; if (!$ok) { print "Probable telnet\n"; exit(1); } if (!$ssh2->auth_password ($user,$pass)) { print "==> 4 pass fail\n"; exit(1); } my $chan2 = $ssh2->channel(); $chan2 -> shell(); # form some reason the order of the commands matters. # change any one and the prints are blank print $chan2 "dir\n"; sleep (1); # for some reason the sleep is needed to get output print "LINE : $_" while <$chan2>; print $chan2 "sh ver\n\n"; print "LINE : $_" while <$chan2>; print $chan2 "sh clock\n\n"; print "LINE : $_" while <$chan2>; print $chan2 "exit\n"; print "==> END\n"