#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $first_array = get_words('short.txt'); my $second_array = get_words('woordelysEng.txt'); foreach my $value ( @{$first_array} ) { foreach ( @{$second_array} ) { print $_, " occurs in first text file\n" if $value eq $_; } } sub get_words { my $filename = shift; my @generated_word; open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "can't open file: $!"; while (<$fh>) { push @generated_word, split; } return \@generated_word; } #### the occurs in first text file cat occurs in first text file the occurs in first text file the occurs in first text file cat occurs in first text file the occurs in first text file dog occurs in first text file the occurs in first text file cat occurs in first text file the occurs in first text file cat occurs in first text file the occurs in first text file