#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Test::More; sub simple_value { my ($name, $val) = @_; my $return; if (not length $val) { $return = q(); } elsif (1 + index $val, '|') { my @vals = split /\|/, $val; $return = "$name in(" . join(',' => map "'$_'", @vals) . ")"; } elsif (1 + index $val, '%') { $return = "$name like '$val'"; } else { return "$name='$val'"; } } sub complex_value { my $value = shift; my @simple = split /&/, $value; return glue(map { my ($name, $val) = split /=/; simple_value(lc $name, $val); } @simple); } sub glue { join ' and ', grep length, @_; } while(not eof DATA) { chomp(my ($type, $stype, $other, $result) = (map scalar , 1 .. 5)); $type = simple_value('type', $type); $stype = simple_value('stype', $stype); $other = complex_value($other); is(glue($type, $stype, $other), $result, $result); } done_testing(); __DATA__ AAA BBB X=CCC type='AAA' and stype='BBB' and x='CCC' AA|BB BB% X=CC%&Y=DDD type in('AA','BB') and stype like 'BB%' and x like 'CC%' and y='DDD' AA|BB X=CC%&Y=DDD type in('AA','BB') and x like 'CC%' and y='DDD' AA BB% X=CC%&Y=DD% type='AA' and stype like 'BB%' and x like 'CC%' and y like 'DD%'