#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use Math::BigFloat; Math::BigFloat->precision(0); sub GetINDirFiles { my ($path) = @_; opendir DIR, $path or die $!; my @files = readdir DIR; my @files = grep {!/\_ACK_/} readdir DIR; closedir DIR; return(@files); } sub GetOUTDirFiles { my ($path) = @_; opendir DIR, $path or die $!; my @files = readdir DIR; my @files = grep {/\_ACK.xml$/} readdir DIR; closedir DIR; return(@files); } # Main my $inpath = "/AAA/BBB/CCC/IN"; my $outpath = "/AAA/BBB/CCC/OUT"; my $outsuffix = "_ACK.xml"; my $insuffix = ".xml"; # Added by me my $timethreshold = 900; # set time threshold in seconds (900 seconds equal 15 minutes) my @delindex; my @infiles = &GetINDirFiles($inpath); my @outfiles = &GetOUTDirFiles($outpath); my $index = 0; # index used to get string position in array foreach my $infile (@infiles) { $infile =~ s/(.*)$insuffix/$1/g; # remove suffix to do comparation # Added by me foreach my $outfile (@outfiles) { $outfile =~ s/(.*)$outsuffix/$1/g; # remove suffix to do comparation if ($outfile eq $infile){ push (@delindex, $index); # get list of strings to be removed from array } } $index += 1; } delete @infiles[@delindex]; # remove strings my $currenttime = time; # get current time from system (epoch time) foreach my $file (@infiles) { next unless (-f "$inpath/$file$insuffix"); # ignore directories # INSERT SUFFIX AGAIN ($insuffix) my $mtime = (stat "$inpath/$file$insuffix" )[9]; # get mtime from file (epoch time) # INSERT SUFFIX AGAIN ($insuffix) my $diff = ($currenttime - $mtime); if ($diff > $timethreshold) { print "\n - file " . $file . $insuffix . " in " . $inpath . " directory was created at more than " . Math::BigFloat->new($diff / 60) . " minutes."; # INSERT SUFFIX AGAIN ($insuffix) # PUT THE ACTION THAT YOU WANT DO HERE!!! } }