#!/usr/bin/perl ## ## X12Splitter written 043013 by Bowie J. Poag ## ## X12Splitter takes an X12-formatted .dat file, and splits it ## up into inputFiles no greater than 1500KB or 2500 claims, ## whichever comes first. ## ## Usage: ## ## x12splitter ## ## Example: ## ## x12splitter foo.dat ## $|=1; $numRecords=0; $numBytes=0; $fileName=$ARGV[0]; errorCheckAndPrep(); dumpChunks(); sub errorCheckAndPrep { print "\n\nX12Splitter: Checking $fileName for any structural problems.."; @inputFile=`cat $fileName`; @temp=`ls -l $fileName`; @fileDetails=split(" ",$temp[0]); $fileSize=$fileDetails[4]+0; $numElements=scalar(@inputFile); $numTotalBytes=length($inputFile[0]); if ($numElements > 1) { print "X12Splitter: Input file is malformed. Exiting..\n"; exit(); } else { print ".."; } if ($fileSize!=$numTotalBytes) { print "X12Splitter: Payload size and stated file size mismatch. Exiting.\n"; exit(); } else { print ".."; } if ($inputFile[0]=~/^ISA/) { print "Done.\n"; } print "X12Splitter: Check complete. Parsing file..\n"; @payload=split("~ST",$inputFile[0]); $envelopeOpen=$payload[0]; $envelopeClose=$payload[-1]; $envelopeClose=~/~GE/; $envelopeClose="~GE$'"; $payload[-1]=$`; if ($envelopeOpen=~/^ISA/ && $envelopeClose=~/~GE/) { print "X12Splitter: Evenvelope open and close chunks found successfully.\n"; } else { print "X12Splitter: Unexpected problem with envelope open. Opening ISA header or ~GE close not found.\n"; exit(); } shift (@payload); ## Don't bother processing the envelope.. foreach $item (@payload) { $recordCount++; $openRecordText=substr($item,0,15); $closeRecordText=substr($item,length($item)-40,40); printf ("\rX12Splitter: Record %6d: [%15s.....%-40s] \r", $recordCount, $openRecordText, $closeRecordText); } print "\nX12Splitter: $recordCount total records found. Splitting..\n"; } sub dumpChunks { $chunkPayload=""; $chunkNum=0; $numBytesInThisChunk=0; $numRecordsInThisChunk=0; foreach $item (@payload) { $numBytesInThisChunk=length($chunkPayload); $numRecordsInThisChunk++; $chunkPayload.="~ST$item"; if ($numRecordsInThisChunk>2000 || $numBytesInThisChunk>1000000) { $chunkPayload="$envelopeOpen"."$chunkPayload"."$envelopeClose"; open ($fh,'>',"/demo/fin/healthport/$fileName.part.$chunkNum"); print $fh "$chunkPayload"; close ($fh); print "X12Splitter: $numRecordsInThisChunk records saved to /demo/fin/healthport/$fileName.part.$chunkNum\n"; $numBytesInThisChunk=0; $numRecordsInThisChunk=0; $chunkNum++; $chunkPayload=""; } } ## Clean up the last of it.. $chunkPayload="$envelopeOpen"."$chunkPayload"."$envelopeClose"; open ($fh,'>',"/demo/fin/healthport/$fileName.part.$chunkNum"); print $fh "$chunkPayload"; close ($fh); print "X12Splitter: $numRecordsInThisChunk records saved to /demo/fin/healthport/$fileName.part.$chunkNum\n"; } print "\n\n\n";