source `history | tail -n 400 > /tmp/hist; /tmp/hist #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; $|++; use Getopt::Long; ## -- DEFAULTS -- my $aliases_file = "/tmp/"; my $hist_size = 400; my $repeats = 4; my $min_length = 4; my $help; ## -- -------- -- GetOptions ( 'repeats=i' => \$repeats, 'min_length=i' => \$min_length, 'help' => \$help ); usage() if $help; my @lines = map { m/\d+\s(.*)$/; $1 || ''; } <>; my %seen; my @multiples = sort grep { ++$seen{$_} == $repeats and length >= $min_length } map { /^\s*(.+?)\s*$/ } @lines; if ( @multiples ) { # print numbered "preview" list print STDERR 'found ' . @multiples . ' repeat' . (@multiples == 1 ? '' : 's') . "\n"; my $counter = 1; foreach ( @multiples ) { print STDERR sprintf "%3d: %s\n", $counter++, $_; } # prompt for possible alias-ification and write to aliases file open ( ALIASES, ">$aliases_file" ) || die "couldn't open outfile: $!\n"; prompt ( @multiples ); close ( ALIASES ); print "$aliases_file"; } print STDERR "\n"; exit ( 0 ); ## ------ ## sub prompt { foreach my $command ( @_ ) { print STDERR "$command: "; my $alias = <>; last if ! defined $alias; # ctrl-d chop $alias; print ALIASES "alias $alias='$command'\n" if $alias; } } sub usage { print STDERR < /tmp/hist; \ /tmp/hist [ --repeats \ ] [ --min_length \ ] [ --help ]` This program munges a history list looking for command lines that are at least characters long and have been repeated at least times. If it finds any command lines fitting the criteria, it prompts the user for a (presumably shorter) string to install as a bash alias for that command. To skip a command line, the user may simply hit the new-line key. Default values: --repeats $repeats --min_length $min_length (kwindla\ END exit ( 0 ); }