#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Mail::Sendmail; use constant FROM => 'mrtg@example.com'; use constant TO => 'operator@example.com'; my %args; getopt('t', \%args); # t -- test: do not send mail my( $date, $time, $no_response, $host, %error ); my %unmatched; while( <> ) { chomp; if( /^((\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}):\d{2}) -- SNMP Error:$/ ) { ($time, $date, $no_response, $host) = ($1, $2, undef, undef); } elsif( $date and $_ eq 'no response received' ) { $no_response = 1; } elsif( $date and $no_response and /^SNMPv1_Session \(remote host: "([^"]+)" \[([^\]]+)/ ) { push @{$error{$date}}, [$1,$2,$time]; $_ = <> for (1..6); # throw away next six lines } elsif( /-- SNMPGET Problem for/ or /-- WARNING: Expected a number/ or m{at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg line \d+} ) { next; } else { $unmatched{$.} = $_; } } if( defined $args{t} ) { print( "$_ ", join( ", " => @{$error{$_}} ), "\n" ) for sort keys %error; exit; } exit 0 unless scalar keys %error or scalar keys %unmatched; my $body = "The following gateways did not reply within 2 seconds\n\n"; foreach my $date( sort keys %error ) { $body .= "$date\n"; foreach my $r( @{$error{$date}} ) { $body .= " $r->[0] ($r->[1]) at $r->[2]\n"; } $body .= "\n"; } if( scalar keys %unmatched ) { $body .= "The following error messages were ignored\n"; foreach( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %unmatched ) { $body .= "$_:$unmatched{$_}\n"; } $body .= "\n"; } $body .= "--end--"; my %mail; @mail{ qw/From To Subject Body/ } = ( FROM, TO, 'Network Errors ' . join( ',' => sort keys %error ), $body, ); sendmail(%mail) or die "$0: mail send failure:\n\t$Mail::Sendmail::error\n"; print "OK. Log says:\n", $Mail::Sendmail::log, "\n" if -t STDIN; =head1 NAME mrtg.errorcap - Capture and reformat MRTG errors, and send them via email =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-t>] =head1 DESCRIPTION Capture and reformat the error messages that MRTG may emit when monitoring equiment =head1 OPTIONS =over 5 =item B<-t> Test. Do not send email. =head1 EXAMPLES Usually run from cron. An example crontab entry may like the following C<*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg 2E&1 | /usr/local/bin/mrtg.errorcap> If a host does not reply to mrtg in the allotted time, a verbose error message is produced. See the _END_ section at the end of this file for an example. This script cleans the messages up and produces a report like =over 4 The following gateways did not reply within 2 seconds 2002-01-25 11:10 gw-ab ( at 2002-01-25 11:10:14 gw-jk ( at 2002-01-25 11:10:26 --end-- =back =head1 BUGS None yet. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002 David Landgren. This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR David "grinder" Landgren eval {join chr(64) => qw[landgren bpinet.com]} =cut __END__ 2001-10-02 09:15:16 -- SNMP Error: no response received SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "gw-ab" [].161) community: "foo_bar" request ID: 1857483728 PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes timeout: 2s retries: 5 backoff: 1) 2001-10-02 09:15:16 -- SNMPGET Problem for ifInOctets.8 ifOutOctets.8 sysUptime sysName on foo_bar@gw-ab: at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg line 1488 2001-10-02 09:15:16 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got '' 2001-10-02 09:15:16 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got '' 2001-10-02 09:15:26 -- SNMP Error: no response received SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "gw-cd" [].161) community: "foo_bar" request ID: 1805349969 PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes timeout: 2s retries: 5 backoff: 1) 2001-10-02 09:15:26 -- SNMPGET Problem for ifInOctets.7 ifOutOctets.7 sysUptime sysName on foo_bar@gw-cd: at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg line 1488 2001-10-02 09:15:26 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got '' 2001-10-02 09:15:26 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got '' 2001-10-02 09:15:36 -- SNMP Error: no response received SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "gw-ef" [].161) community: "foo_bar" request ID: 1479025078 PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes timeout: 2s retries: 5 backoff: 1) 2001-10-02 09:15:36 -- SNMPGET Problem for ifInOctets.7 ifOutOctets.7 sysUptime sysName on foo_bar@gw-ef: at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg line 1488 2001-10-02 09:15:36 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got '' 2001-10-02 09:15:36 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got ''