open(FIL,">>$myfil") || die "No open for ct tot: $! \n"; if($ct == 1){ print FIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n"; } elsif($ct >= 2){ print FIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n"; } system("mailx -s 'Mail header' myemail < $myfil"); close(FIL); #### open(MAIL,"|mailx blah) || die "No mail stuff: $! \n"; if($ct == 1){ print MAIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n"; } elsif($ct >= 2){ print MAIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n"; } close(MAIL); #### # Removed brackets, replaced || with or due to higher presedence and readability # used single quotes on uninterpolated strings. open MAIL,'|mailx blah' or die "No mail stuff: $!\n"; # Stuck the if statements at the end so it's more natural. print MAIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n" if $ct == 1; print MAIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n" if $ct >= 2; close(MAIL); #### open(MAIL,"|mailx blah) || die "No mail stuff: $! \n"; SWITCH: { $ct >= 2 && { print MAIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n"; last SWITCH }; $ct == 1 && { print MAIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n"; last SWITCH }; } close(MAIL);