#!/usr/bin/perl -w use lib ( '../Vector2D' ); use Vector2D; my $POLYGONS_MAX_Y = 11; my $A = new Vector2D( 2, 3 ); my $B = new Vector2D( 7, 1 ); my $C = new Vector2D( 13, 5 ); my $D = new Vector2D( 13, 11 ); my $E = new Vector2D( 7, 7 ); my $F = new Vector2D( 2, 9 ); my @AB = [ $A, $B ]; my @BC = [ $B, $C ]; my @CD = [ $C, $D ]; my @DE = [ $D, $E ]; my @EF = [ $E, $F ]; my @FA = [ $F, $A ]; my @polygon = ( @AB, @BC, @CD, @DE, @EF, @FA ); my @ET; # global Edge Table # each entry in the ET contains the Ymax coordinate of the edge, # the x cooridnate of the bottom endpoint Xbot and the x increment # used in the stepping from one scan lime to the next 1/m for my $edge (@polygon) { my $y = ( @{$edge}->[0]->gety() < @{$edge}->[1]->gety() ) ? @{$edge}->[0]->gety() : @{$edge}->[1]->gety() ; my $Ymax = ( @{$edge}->[0]->gety() >= @{$edge}->[1]->gety() ) ? @{$edge}->[0]->gety() : @{$edge}->[1]->gety() ; my $Xbot = ( @{$edge}->[0]->gety() < @{$edge}->[1]->gety() ) ? @{$edge}->[0]->getx() : @{$edge}->[1]->getx() ; my $invSlope = &calcOneOverSlope($edge); my $rec = { Ymax => $Ymax, Xbot => $Xbot, invSlope => $invSlope }; print "$y -> $Ymax | $Xbot | $invSlope\n"; push( @{$ET[$y]}, $rec ); } for my $i (1..$POLYGONS_MAX_Y) { if ( $ET[$i] ) { print "ET[$i] = "; for my $r ( ${ET[$i]} ) { print "{" . $r->{Ymax} . "|" . $r->{Xbot} . "|" . $r->{invSlope} . "}" ; } print "\n"; } else { print "ET[$i] = NULL\n"; } } sub calcOneOverSlope { my $edge = shift; my $y = @{$edge}->[0]->gety()-@{$edge}->[1]->gety(); my $x = @{$edge}->[0]->getx()-@{$edge}->[1]->getx(); if ( $y == 0 ) { return undef; } return $x/$y; } #### print "{" . $r->{Ymax} . "|" . $r->{Xbot} . "|" . $r->{invSlope} . "}" ;