package PerlMonksFacts; =pod =head1 NAME PerlMonksFacts - codified knowledge about the automation interfaces of =head1 SYNOPSIS use PerlMonksFacts; use URI; my $uri = URI->new(pm_url); $uri->query_form(pm_ticker xp => 'Aristotle'); print $uri->as_string, "\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module abstracts working with the automation interfaces. The main purpose is to put ticker URL generation in a blackbox. As such, the main point of the module is the C function. Since this module is intended to be as abstract as possible, the C and C functions return raw key/value pairs. Their actual use is up to you; see the L for an example of building a URI suitable for use in a HTTP C request from them. =head1 INTERFACE =head2 %pm_nodetype This hash contains a mapping of node type names to human readable versions. It is mostly cribbed from the code of the live Super Search page of =head2 &pm_url This is simply a constant function that returns "". =head2 &pm_ticker This function takes the name of a ticker and possibly parameters for it and returns a list of key/value pairs for URL construction. The following ticker names are recognized: =over 4 =item C, newest nodes xml generator Takes one parameter - a L style timestamp. =item C, XP xml ticker Optionally takes one parameter - a user name or user homenode ID for whose XP should be tracked. =item C, chatterbox xml ticker No parameters. =item C, private message xml ticker No parameters. =item C, other users xml ticker No parameters. =item C, node query xml generator Takes any number of parameters, which should be node IDs for the nodes to query. =item C, user nodes info xml generator Takes one parameter: the user whose nodes are to be returned. =item C, xml node thread No parameters. =back =head2 &pm_login This function takes a username and password as parameters and returns a list of key/value pairs for URL construction. =head2 &pm_time2unix This function takes a timestamp in the format used in PerlMonks-generated XML and returns a L style timestamp. =head1 BUGS C<&pm_ticker> does not yet implement the C parameter nor the C parameter to the newest nodes ticker. =head1 AUTHOR Aristotle Pagaltzis L =head1 LICENSE This software is in the public domain. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but B; without even the implied warranty of B. =cut use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'once'; use Exporter::Lite; our @EXPORT = qw( %pm_nodetype pm_url pm_ticker pm_login pm_time2unix ); our %pm_nodetype = ( bookreview => 'Book Review', bug => '', categorized_answer => 'Categorized Answer', categorized_question => 'Categorized Question', container => '', CUFP => 'Cool Uses For Perl', data => '', dbtable => '', devtask => '', document => '', fullpage => '', hint => '', htmlcode => '', htmlpage => '', image => '', linktype => '', mail => '', maintenance => '', modulereview => 'Module Review', monkdiscuss => 'Perl Monks Discussion', nodeball => '', nodegroup => '', nodeletgroup => '', nodelet => 'Nodelet', nodetype => '', note => 'Note', obfuscated => 'Obfuscation', opcode => '', patch => '', perlcraft => 'Craft', perlexercise => '', perlfunc => 'Perl Function', perlman => 'Perl Manpage', perlmeditation => 'Meditations', perlnews => 'News', perlquestion => 'Seekers of Perl Wisdom', perlsolution => '', perltutorial => 'Tutorial', pmdevsuperdoc => '', pmmodule => '', poem => 'Poem', poll => 'Poll', quest => 'Quest', rawdata => '', rawpage => '', request => '', restricted_superdoc => '', review => '', scratchpad => 'Scratch Pad', script => '', setting => '', sitedoc => '', sitefaqlet => 'Monk Help', snippet => 'Snippet', sourcecode => 'Code', sourcecodesection => '', strangedoc => '', strangenode => '', string => '', superdoc => '', superquestionarea => '', survey => '', testquestion => '', testtype => '', theme => '', themesetting => '', usergroup => '', user => 'User', wiki => 'Wiki', xmlpage => '', ); { while(my ($k, $v) = each %pm_nodetype) { $v ||= "\u\L$k"; $v =~ s/(html|xml)/\u$1/i; } } sub pm_url () { "" } { my %ticker_node = ( nn => 30175 || "newest nodes xml generator", xp => 16046 || "XP xml ticker", cb => 15834 || "chatterbox xml ticker", msg => 15848 || "private message xml ticker", users => 15851 || "other users xml ticker", query => 37150 || "node query xml generator", usernodes => 32704 || "user nodes info xml generator", thread => 180684 || "xml node thread", ); my %ticker_param = ( xp => sub { @_ ? ( ($_[0] =~ /\D/ ? 'for_user' : 'for_id') => $_[0] ) : () }, nn => sub { @_ ? ( sinceunixtime => $_[0] ) : () }, query => sub { nodes => join(',', @_ ? @_ : '') }, usernodes => sub { foruser => $_[0] }, ); sub pm_ticker { my $ticker_name = shift; my $node = $ticker_node{$ticker_name} || do { require Carp; Carp::croak("Unknown ticker name: $ticker_name") }; my @param = do { $ticker_param{$ticker_name}->(@_) if @_ && exists $ticker_param{$ticker_name} }; return (node => $node, @param); } } sub pm_login { my ($user, $pass) = @_; return ( op => "login", user => $user, passwd => $pass, ticker => "yes", ); } sub pm_time2unix { my ($Y, $M, $D, $h, $m, $s) = unpack "A4 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2", shift; $M--; require Time::Local; Time::Local::timegm($s, $m, $h, $D, $M, $Y); }