######## Tk stuff ######## my $mw=new MainWindow; $mw->minsize(qw(250 150)); $mw->title(" Tk Test 1 "); my $body=$mw->Frame(-background=>'cyan')->pack(side=>'bottom', -fill=>'x'); my $fr1=$body->Frame(-background=>'magenta')->pack(side=>'top', -fill=>'x'); $fr1->Label(-text=>'Hi', -background=>'yellow', -foreground=>'red')->pack(-fill=>'y'); # This label is where I want the status line to go to MainLoop(); ######## web client stuff ######## sub retry { # Retry downloading page in case of failure my $ua=shift; my $url=shift; for (my $i=1; $i<101; $i++) { sleep 5; # Delay my $request= $ua->request(GET "$url"); return $request if ($request->is_success); print "Download failed: ", $request->status_line, " Retrying $i... \n"; # I'd like all the print statements to go to the label die ("Download failed: ", $request->status_line) if ($i==101) ; } }