sub init { ### initialize globals every time site_specific configuration changes undef(%s) if defined(%s);#clear out the globals if they exist $s{begin} = time(); $s{log} = $ROOT . $LOGD . "\\$s{begin}" . $LOG; $s{wrkd} = $ROOT . $WRKD; $s{work} = "WORK FILE NOT SET"; $s{xfrd} = "XFER DIR NOT SET"; $s{sync} = $SYNC_PATTERN; my $config_file = $ENV{$ITPS_BIN_ENV}."\\".$CFGF; open C, "<$config_file" or die "Cannot open external configuration file, $config_file"; my $pattern = $TARGET_DIR; while () { chomp; if ($_ =~ m/$pattern[\s]*=[\s]*([^\s]+)/) { $s{xfrd} = $1; last; } } close C; die "No valid transfer directory path was given in the configuration file, $config_file\n" unless ( $s{xfrd} !~ /NOT SET/ # the name of the directory was found in the config file && -e $s{xfrd} # the name identifies a directory that exists && -w $s{xfrd} # the directory is writable by this process ); ### read command-line arguments foreach my $p (@ARGV) { $s{$p} = TRUE; } } #end INIT sub