use Math::Pari qw/ primes nextprime isprime factor divisors /; $P = primes(10); print "First ten primes: @$P$/"; $D = divisors(100); print "Divisors of 100: @$D$/"; $p = nextprime(100); print "next prime greater or equal to 100: $p$/"; $i = isprime(1680588011350901); print "1680588011350901 is ", ($i?'':'not '), "prime$/"; $F = factor("10^100-1"); print "googol - 1 = ", join( "$/ * " , map( { "$F->[0][$_]^$F->[1][$_]" } 0 .. $#{$F->[0]} ) ), $/; __END__ First ten primes: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 Divisors of 100: 1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50 100 next prime greater or equal to 100: 101 1680588011350901 is prime googol - 1 = 3^2 * 11^1 * 41^1 * 101^1 * 251^1 * 271^1 * 3541^1 * 5051^1 * 9091^1 * 21401^1 * 25601^1 * 27961^1 * 60101^1 * 7019801^1 * 182521213001^1 * 14103673319201^1 * 78875943472201^1 * 1680588011350901^1