#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Ping a range of IP addresses, and list sorted by ping time. # # This uses the ICMP echo method instead of UDP echo, as # some routers don't pass UDP echo. Also, if the remote host # doesn't have an appropriate service listening on the UDP # echo port, it won't answer. # # D. Guntner, 21-July-2007 # Ver 1.0, 21-July-2007 use Net::Ping; use Net::Netmask; die "I need root privs to run, dude.\n" unless $> == 0; # Get the IP address(es) my $netaddr = shift(@ARGV); usage() unless $netaddr; # Give usage message if no input my $hostname = ""; my $block = new Net::Netmask($netaddr); my @hosts = $block->enumerate(); my $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp"); $p->hires(); # Comment out this line if no Time::HiRes installed # (Or better yet, install Time::HiRes... :-) ) # Create our host list to sort from open OF, ">hostlist.txt" or die "Can't create hostlist.txt: $!"; select OF; $|++; # Unbuffer output file select STDOUT; print("Now scanning $netaddr, please wait....\n"); foreach $host (@hosts) { ($ret, $duration, $ip) = $p->ping($host, 5.5); if ($ret) { printf OF ("%s [ip: $ip] is alive %.2f ms)\n", gethostbyip($host), 1000 * $duration); } } close OF; $p->close(); print("Now sorting the list....\n"); open IF, "; close IF; # Don't need the file anymore, so delete it #if (unlink("hostlist.txt") > 0) { # print("Couldn't remove hostlist.txt file for some reason....\n"); #} my @sorted = map {s/(^|\D)0+(\d)(?=\t)/$1$2/g; $_} sort map {s/(\d+)(?=\t)/sprintf"%03.3d",$1/ge; $_} @data; print(@sorted); sub gethostbyip { use Socket; my $hostip = $_[0]; my $iaddr = inet_aton($hostip); my $hostname = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET); $hostname = $hostip unless defined $hostname; return $hostname; } sub usage { use File::Basename; my $progname = basename($0); print <<"EO_USAGE"; This script will ping scan a range if IP addresses, and return a list sorted by ping time. Give address in CIDR format. Usage: $progname {IP/NETMASK} Example: $progname You *could* put in only a single IP address, but there wouldn't be much point to that, now would there? :-) EO_USAGE exit; }