if($build_config_instance){ my $host = 'root@' . $instance->dns_name(); my $scp = "scp -i $pvt_key $base_path/$build_script $host:/root/"; print STDERR "\nssh -i $pvt_key $host chmod +x /root/$build_script \n"; print STDERR "ssh -i $pvt_key $host /root/$build_script \n"; `$scp`; `ssh -i $pvt_key $host chmod +x /root/$build_script `; `ssh -i $pvt_key $host /root/$build_script `; } #### Oct 4 02:15:51 svrname S70ec2-get-credentials: New ssh key added to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys from lic-keys/0/openssh-key Oct 4 02:15:52 svrname S71ec2-run-user-data: Retrieving user-data Oct 4 02:15:52 svrname S71ec2-run-user-data: Skipping user-data as it does not begin with #! #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Net::Amazon::EC2; use MIME::Base64; my $ec2 = Net::Amazon::EC2->new( AWSAccessKeyId => 'not-telling', SecretAccessKey => 'not-telling-this-either' ); my $custom_ami_id = 'ami-ff46a796'; my $user_data = encode_base64('/home/hesco/sandbox/EC2/trick_out_my_server.sh'); if($create_new_instance){ my $instance = $ec2->run_instances( 'Placement.AvailabilityZone' => 'us-east-1a', KeyName => 'aws_test', SecurityGroup => 'asterisk', ImageId => $custom_ami_id, UserData => $user_data, MinCount => 1, MaxCount => 1 ); print STDERR Dumper($instance); } #### #!/bin/bash set -e -x apt-get --yes update apt-get --yes upgrade apt-get --yes install subversion build-essential etc . . .