use Smart::Comments; # Enable special comments for debugging my $data_structure = { a => [ 1, 2, 3 ], }; my $scalar = 42; ### This is a comment. ### I'm happy. ### $data_structure ### $scalar #my $max = 2**4; # slow my $max = 2**2; # fast for (0..$max) { ### for1... done sleep(1); }; for (0..$max) { ### for2 |===[%] | sleep(1); }; #### 1: say "var: $var"; # DEBUG 2: say '$var', $var; # DEBUG 2: say $var; # DEBUG 3: say $var; #### my $tmp = scalar @foobar; ### Elements count: $tmp #### use Smart::Comments '###', '####'; ### $foo # $foo will be dumped #### $foo # $foo will be dumped ##### $foo # nothing happens #### use Smart::Comments; ### $foo # $foo will be dumped no Smart::Comments; ### $foo # nothing happens