#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath; my $page = q{

Key words: Some words.

Date: 2012-01-16

Actualised: 2008-01-08

Commented: 05.06.2007

Encoded: Some code.


Problem description.

Another description.

Solution 1

Solution description.

Solution 2

Solution description.


Text of the comment.

}; my $p = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content( $page ); { my @nodes = $p->findnodes( q{//div[@id='bodyContent']/*}); use List::AllUtils qw( before ); my @before_h2 = before { $_->tag eq 'h2' } @nodes; splice @nodes, 0, scalar( @before_h2 ); my %body = map { split ':', $_->as_trimmed_text, 2 } @before_h2; while( @nodes ){ my $key = shift(@nodes)->as_trimmed_text; while( @nodes and $nodes[0]->tag ne 'h2' ){ my $val = shift(@nodes)->as_trimmed_text; $body{ $key } .= $val; } } use Data::Dump; dd\%body; } __END__ { "Actualised" => " 2008-01-08", "Comment." => "Text of the comment.", "Commented" => " 05.06.2007", "Date" => " 2012-01-16", "Encoded" => " Some code.", "Key words" => " Some words.", "Problem" => "Problem description.Another description.", "Solution 1" => "Solution description.", "Solution 2" => "Solution description.", }