use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my $input = { output_type => 'default', files => [], eventlist => [] }; my $p = new Getopt::Long::Parser; $p->configure('pass_through'); my $getoptret = $p->getoptions ( 'files:s@' => $input->{files}, #filename(s) 'eventlist:s@' => $input->{eventlist}, #name of the eventlist 'output_directory:s' => \$input->{output_directory}, # desired output dir ); die "Error: Give input SEED volume\n" unless defined $input->{files}; foreach (@{$input->{files}}) { die "Error: Missing file" unless -e; } die "Error: Give name of eventlist that should be used\n" unless defined $input->{eventlist}; die "Error: Give output directory\n" unless defined $input->{output_directory}; print "File List: @{$input->{files}}\n"; pritn "Event List: @{$input->{eventlist}}\n"; print "Output Directory: $input->{output_directory}\n";