[le6303@itdevtst perl]$ perl xml.pl bigxml.xml File bigxml.xml is 1730463 bytes XML::Simple with default backend took 12.9769 seconds. This equates to 133349.4084 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) XML::Simple with XML::Parser backend took 3.6010 seconds. This equates to 480549.2074 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) XML::Simple with XML::SAX::Expat backend took 13.6003 seconds. This equates to 127237.2038 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) XML::Simple with XML::LibXML::SAX backend took 6.3547 seconds. This equates to 272310.8906 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 1..3