#!perl use strict; use warnings; use SOAP::Lite; use Data::Dumper; my $result; my $soapService = SOAP::Lite->new(); #Specify which class should be called for the service, i.e namespace $soapService->uri('DemoService'); #specify service provider location, Initial timeout should be very minimal $soapService->transport()->proxy('',timeout=>600,keep_alive =>1); #No need to have HTTP proxy #transport returns underlaying LWP::UserAgent object $soapService->transport()->no_proxy('','localhost'); #Get Object, To call constructor use explicit call function, DO not use autodispatch. my $obj = $soapService->call('new'=>())->result(); #Modify the Obj to Hash ref $obj = SOAP::Data->value($obj); print "\n OBJ-State:",Dumper($obj); print "\n"; #Call instance methods #Pass the obj as first argument so it will go as $self $result = $soapService->call(size=>($obj,45)); unless ($result->fault) { print "\n Size is ::",$result->result(); # Method result print "\n New-OBJ-State:",Dumper($obj); } #So far it is good. Call the size again to set another value #This call fails because 'New-OBJ-State' is scrambled :( #Got following error # ERROR: soap:Server, Can't use string ("DemoService") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at accessor DemoService::size (defined at soap-ser.pl line 8) line 3. $result = $soapService->call(size=>($obj,20)); unless ($result->fault) { print "\n Size is ::",$result->result(); # Method result print "\n OBJ-State:",Dumper($obj); } else { print "\n ERROR: ", join ', ', $result->faultcode, $result->faultstring, $result->faultdetail; }