in reply to Tkx Table

Hi there! The issues here, at least for when I tried this code, were:

One, you are settng $lamina_table to be the return value of g_pack instead of a reference to the table, thus making the usage of any object references impossible. I noticed this from the error message "Can't call method "put" without a package or object reference at..."

Two, once I figured that out, I got the error message of "bad option "put": must be activate, bbox, border, cget, clear, configure, curselection, curvalue, delete, get, height, hidden, icursor, index, insert, reread, scan, see, selection, set, spans, tag, validate, version, window, width, xview, or yview at...". So, I decided to use set

Here is the code that works:

#!/usr/bin/env perl BEGIN { $ENV{PERL_DL_NONLAZY} = 1; } use Tkx; Tkx::package_require("Tktable"); use strict; use warnings; my $mw = Tkx::widget->new("."); my $lamina_allow_frm = $mw->new_frame(); $lamina_allow_frm->configure(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => "groove"); $lamina_allow_frm->g_pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both'); my $lamina_table = $lamina_allow_frm->new_table( -rows => 9, -cols => +7); my $temp = $lamina_allow_frm->new_label(-text => "FHT/OHT")->g_pack; $lamina_table->set(0, 0, $temp); $lamina_table->g_pack; Tkx::MainLoop();

You can probably ignore the BEGIN block, I just need it for it to run on non-ActiveState Perl. I also had to do a custom install of Tktable, but everything is working nicely.

Have a nice day and thanks for the fun problem :).

Edit: Here is another neutral version based on the reply by Anonymous Monk to this node. Works with perl-5.16.1:

#!/usr/bin/env perl BEGIN { $ENV{PERL_DL_NONLAZY} = 1; } use Tkx; Tkx::package_require("Tktable"); use strict; use warnings; my $mw = Tkx::widget->new("."); my $lamina_allow_frm = $mw->new_frame; $lamina_allow_frm->configure(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => "groove"); $lamina_allow_frm->g_pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both'); my %hash = ( '0,0' => 'OHT/FHT', '0,1' => 'AML' ); my $lamina_table = $lamina_allow_frm->new_table( -rows => 9, -cols => +7, -variable => \%hash, -state => 'disabled')->g_pack; Tkx::MainLoop();