in reply to XML::Simple - Handling inconsistency

Is there any way to make it give the similar structure?

use XML::Rules , just give xml2XMLRules the most complex detailed xml file you have, and you'll get rules/data like these

#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump; use XML::Rules; my $ta = XML::Rules->new( qw/ stripspaces 8 /, rules => { 'literal' => 'as is', 'binding' => 'as array no content', 'uri' => 'content', 'results' => 'no content' } ); my @xml = ( q{<results> <binding name="image_url"> <uri>Football.png</uri> </binding> <binding name="description"> <literal xml:lang="en">Second article.</literal> </binding> </results> }, q{<results> <binding name="description"> <literal xml:lang="en">First article. </literal> </binding> </results> } ); dd( my$ref = $ta->parsefile( \$_ )) for @xml; __END__ { results => { binding => [ { name => "image_url", uri => "Football.png" }, { literal => { "_content" => "Second article.", "xml:lang" => "e +n" }, name => "description", }, ], }, } { results => { binding => [ { literal => { "_content" => "First article.", "xml:lang" => "en +" }, name => "description", }, ], }, }

Sure, you could get there with XML::Simple, but I don't bother anymore

Data::Diver for navigation :)

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Re^2: XML::Simple - Handling inconsistency
by Jenda (Abbot) on Jan 09, 2013 at 10:32 UTC

    It's possible and advised to give xml2XMLRules not one but several xml files. That way you are more likely to catch all optional tag attributes and repeatable tags. If you have a DTD it's better to use dtd2XMLRules.

    <note>xml2XMLRules and dtd2XMLRules are scripts installed with the XML::Rules module. All they do is that they call the XML::Rules::inferRulesFromExample() and XML::Rules::inferRulesFromDTD() subroutines and print the inferred rules. The inferred rules instruct XML::Rules to build a minimal consistent data structure out of your XML (only tags that may be repeated are turned to arrays, only tags that may have attributes are turned to hashes etc.).</note>

    There's a short writeup on this in Simpler than XML::Simple.

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