in reply to perl 5.12 BSD portability (CPAN test result)...print

Before 5.14, you had to do

use IO::Handle qw( );

to load the module if you wanted to use its methods. Since 5.14.0, IO::Handle and IO::File are loaded on demand.

This has nothing to do with BSD.

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Re^2: perl 5.12 BSD portability (CPAN test result)...print
by perl-diddler (Chaplain) on Mar 14, 2013 at 05:12 UTC
    Um... so everyone who uses 'print' or 'printf' needed to use IO::Handle? I doubt that is what you mean, is it?

    In any case, changing the code from '$fh->print' to 'print $fh' seems to have fixed the problem. Of *course* it makes sense -- it's perl! :-)

    That uncovered one last (??*crossing fingers*??) bug where the 'cat' was involved, which was unrelated to the 'rev', which I just supplied in my test directory (in a perl-1-liner script).simulated in a perl 1-liner:

    P> more t/rev sub rv{1>=length $_[0]?$_[0]:substr( $_[0],-1).rv(substr $_[0],0,-1)} +$_=<>;chomp; print rv($_);
    The 'cat' was for my STDERR test, which I cleaned up (and got rid of using 'cat' in testing...didn't want any Humane Society/PITA complaints). It's a split output, where the first part of the line put out by the 'generic example' code is on STDOUT, and the 2nd part is on STDERR... so I just run it twice for that test:
    if ($caseno == 5) { my $null; my $dev; open($null, ">", $dev="/dev/null") or open($null, ">", $dev="NUL:") or die "Cannot open /dev/null nor NUL:"; close ($null); my $resp = get_case($matchp->[0],"2>$dev"); $resp =~ m{$weak_match_expr}; ($rcase,$name, $rstr) = ($1,$2,$3); $resp = get_case($matchp->[0],"2>&1 >$dev"); $resp =~ m{$weak_match_expr}; $rstr = $2; } .... ok($rcase && $caseno == $rcase, "received testcase $caseno"); if (length($re)) {ok($rstr =~ m{$re}, $name)} }
    Hopefully "/dev/null" or "NUL" will work (it works on my linux and on Windows strawbelly16.2.)

    Tedia, tedia, tedia....;-)

    Thanks again for the assists...this is my testing the waters, as it were...
    hopefully it will go well...

      Um... so everyone who uses 'print' or 'printf' needed to use IO::Handle? I doubt that is what you mean, is it?

      It's not what I meant. It's not what I said.

      Everyone who uses IO:Handle's print or printf method (e.g. $fh->print("foo");) needs to use use IO::Handle; or similar before 5.14.

      Using the print or printf operator (e.g. print $fh "foo";) does not require the use of use IO::Handle;.

      Um... so everyone who uses 'print' or 'printf' needed to use IO::Handle?

      Everyone who wanted to use those as methods on filehandles had to use IO::Handle, yes.

        But only in the FH->print format? Why does it work in the print FH mode? Aren't they supposed equivalent?
      Hopefully "/dev/null" or "NUL" will work (it works on my linux and on Windows strawbelly16.2.)

      For portability File::Spec->devnull() works well.
