in reply to Re: using bits to print part of a string
in thread using bits to print part of a string

Anyone willing to improve the benchmark?
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw/state/; use Test::More tests => 4; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my $length = 100_000; my $string = join q(), map int rand 10, 1 .. $length; my $mask = join q(), map int rand 2, 1 .. $length; my $result = bitwise($string, $mask); is arraywise ($string, $mask), $result, 'array'; is substrwise($string, $mask), $result, 'substr'; is packwise ($string, $mask), $result, 'pack'; is regexwise ($string, $mask), $result, 'regex'; sub bitwise { my $string = shift; state $mask; ($mask = shift) =~ y/01/\x00\xff/ unless defined $mask; my $result = $string & $mask; $result =~ tr/\x00//d; return $result; } sub arraywise { my $string = shift; state $mask = shift; my @chars = split //, $string; return join q(), @chars[grep substr($mask, $_, 1), 0 .. length $ma +sk]; } sub regexwise { my $string = shift; state $regex; unless (defined $regex) { $regex = '^' . join(q(), map $_ ? '(.)' : '.', split //, shift +) . '$'; } my $result = join q(), $string =~ m/$regex/o; return $result; } sub packwise { my $string = shift; state $mask; unless (defined $mask) { $mask = shift; my $template; while ($mask =~ /((.)\2*)/g) { $template .= (qw(x a))[$2] . length $1; } $mask = $template; } return join q(), unpack $mask, $string; } sub substrwise { my $string = shift; state $mask; my @mask; unless (defined $mask) { $mask = shift; while ( $mask =~ /0+/g ) { push @mask, [ $-[0], ( $+[0] - $-[0] ) ]; } } for (1 .. @mask) { my $replace = ''; #'*' x $mask[-$_][1]; #check to see substr $string, $mask[-$_][0], $mask[-$_][1], $replace; } return $string; } cmpthese(-3, { bitwise => sub { bitwise ($string, $mask) }, arraywise => sub { arraywise ($string, $mask) }, substrwise => sub { substrwise($string, $mask) }, packwise => sub { packwise ($string, $mask) }, regexwise => sub { regexwise ($string, $mask) }, });

Update: Added regexwise.

لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ