in reply to How to run the child process parellel to the parent process with fork

This shows two other alternatives of parallel processing (not explicitly using fork). Save this as

package MyChameleon; use strict; use warnings; use threads; $| = 1; # autoflush STDOUT my $used_as_script = not caller(); if ($used_as_script) { print "Start script\n"; my $thread_to_do = threads->create( \&to_do, 'thread', 5 ); my $thread_sys = threads->create( sub { system $^X, "-MMyChameleon", "-e", "MyChameleon::to_do('sy +stem')"; } ); to_do( 'script', 3 ); $thread_to_do->join; $thread_sys->join; exit; } sub to_do { my ( $tag, $times ) = @_; $times //= 10; print "$tag: Hello World!\n"; map { print "$tag ($_)\n"; sleep 1 } ( 1 .. $times ); print "$tag: is done\n"; } !!1;

Run it like this: “perl”.

See also How a script becomes a module