in reply to Re: compare a list against multiple lists
in thread compare a list against multiple lists

That's an impressive piece of code and so small. Thanks a lot.

Almost perfect for what I'm looking for. Get the output. I need to try to restrain to one reference file which I compare with others, here al.txt for example.

After a bit of customization

## only display for referenced file my %counting_list; for my $key (keys $name{$ref}) { my $count = $name{$ref}{$key}-1; ## -1 to remove reference file #print "n: $key, c $count\n"; #print Dumper(\$name{$ref}); if ($verbose == 1) { my $count = keys $kw{$key}; printf "=> '%s' appears in %2d file%s: '%s'\n", $key, $count, $count > 1 ? 's' : ' ', join(', ', sort keys %{$kw{$key}}); if ($count == 2) { my $mylist; foreach my $k (keys %{$kw{$key}}) { if (!($k eq $ref)) { $mylist = $k; } } $counting_list{$mylist}++; } elsif ($count == 3) { $counting_list{'2lists'}++; } elsif ($count == 4) { $counting_list{'3lists'}++; } elsif ($count > 4) { $counting_list{'4more'}++; } } } } ## summary output my $max = keys (%filelist); $filelist{ $max } = '2lists'; $filelist{ $max+1 } = '3lists'; $filelist{ $max+2 } = '4more'; foreach my $list (keys %filelist) { #print "nolist:X list1a:X list1b:X list2+:X list3+:X\n"; if ($counting_list{ $filelist{$list} }) { print "$filelist{$list}:$counting_list{ $filelist{$lis +t} } "; } else { print "$filelist{$list}:0 "; } } print "\n";