in reply to chop from front and back

#!/usr/bin/perl # this is long just to be readable # some clever Monks will no doubt show shorter methods... # Monks get stroppy if you don't use these... :-) use strict; use warnings; # Perl developers best friend.... use Data:Dumper; # array we want to process... my @array = qw( "abc def" ); # print array to show it contains the two elements... print "Array:".Dumper( \@array)."\n"; # join your array together... my $str = join( '', @array); # remove anything you don't want in the string... # this removes all quotes, but you can change it # to just start and end $str =~ s/['"]//g; # ...or $str =~ tr/'"//; # output result.... print $str;
If you spot any bugs in my solutions, it's because I've deliberately left them in as an exercise for the reader! :-)