in reply to Landscape printing in wxPerl

Unfortunately this does not work.

What happens? Are you using strict/warnings, what do you get for value of wxLANDSCAPE?

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Re^2: Landscape printing in wxPerl
by arpad.szasz (Pilgrim) on Jun 27, 2013 at 07:30 UTC

    It still prints in portrait mode.

      #!/usr/bin/perl -l -- use Wx qw/ :allclasses /; print Wx::wxPORTRAIT(); print Wx::wxLANDSCAPE(); my $pd = Wx::PrintData->new; print $pd->GetOrientation; $pd->SetOrientation( Wx::wxPORTRAIT() ); print $pd->GetOrientation; $pd->SetOrientation( Wx::wxLANDSCAPE() ); print $pd->GetOrientation; $pd->SetOrientation( 666 ); print $pd->GetOrientation; __END__ 1 2 1 1 2 666

      SetOrientation doesn't do much validation, if you feed it junk, I imagine the users/consumers of wxPrintData assumes the default (wxPORTRAIT)

      and Are you using strict/warnings, what do you get for value of wxLANDSCAPE?