Galdor has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Toying with ORM but it seems much harder than juts writing plain straight SQL (yes I like SQL - it is GOOD). Anyway given table:
create table stocks_daily ( exchange char(10) NOT NULL, symbol char(10) NOT NULL, date datetime NOT NULL, o real NOT NULL, h real NOT NULL, l real NOT NULL, c real NOT NULL, volume int NOT NULL, adjust real NOT NULL );
How do I return the MAX(c) (which is close price)? I have wasted lots of time on this and best I came up with is:
# get the max: my $high = $quote_model->search( { symbol => $symbol, date => { '>=' => $date}, }, {'select' => [ { max => 'c', } ], } )->single(); print "high: ", $high->c, "\n";
The syntax is way whacky - This is far more complex than:
select Max(c) from stocks_daily where symbol = '?' and date >= '?'
Anyway I always get error "Use of uninitialized value .."