in reply to how to extract string by possible groupings?

I prefer to match each field separately.
#!perl use strict; use warnings; *FILE_EXPECTED_RESULT = *DATA; while (<FILE_EXPECTED_RESULT>) { next if /^\s*$/; chomp; print "\n", $_ , "\n"; my (@match) = / ( \w* \. (?: c|cpp|h ) ) # File Namew \s* ( None | \d{1,2}\.\d\d%\sof\s\d{1,3} ) # Percent 2 \s* ( None | \d{1,2}\.\d\d%\sof\s\d{1,3} ) # Percent 3 /xms; print "title : " . $match[0] . "\n"; print "percent2 : " . $match[1] . "\n"; print "percent3 : " . $match[2] . "\n"; } close(FILE_EXPECTED_RESULT); __DATA__ Title Percent2 Percent3 test1.cpp 0.00% of 21 0.00% of 16 test2.c None 16.53% of 484 test3.h 0.00% of 138 None