in reply to Perl with Sybase: sybperl or DBI/DBD::Sybase?

Sybperl has been a lifesaver. My former employer would not buy the tools needed, so I made them using Sybperl. Now I have code snippits for all kinds of tasks.

Would like to know if Sybase::DBlib will ever be removed from distribution. It would be a shame if Sybase killed DBlib completely. I find it much faster that CTlib and with only limited use of BCP in CTlib...what's the point. Much of my heavier hitting code deals with bulk-loads. Do you know if CTlib's role with BCP will expand?

Will DBI/DBD::Sybase eventually handle the intricacies in Sybperl or is this something yet to be seen? I like the idea of one API handling connectivity to multiple platforms. My current project is to connect DB2 with Sybase and it looks like it will be a combination of DBI and Sybperl. Going with straight DBI won't give me the functionality needed. I look forward to DBI as it matures.

We do appreciate what you are doing for the community.